Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Ok, I'll do it. I'll put my toe (in mouth) in the blogpond (and what -hope that it creates some interesting ripples? Maybe...)

Right. I'll put my iggerant opinions out there. What'll I write about? I believe that calls for a bulleted list:

Duh, knitting.
Duh, being a mom.
Duh, being a working mom.
Duh, living in Israel.
Duh, having gone from being a Peace Corps Volunteer (with much liberal gusto) to an eVul-Settler-Obstacle-to-Peace-in-the-Middle-East, who now swings more to the right.
Duh, having gone from secular to religiously orthodox observant (chozeret b'tlunah, kicking, screaming, and kvetching all the way.)
Duh, not "getting" politics, economics, or statistics.

Duh, music, science, hand-creative stuff like knitting, sewing, and arty thangs, like that.
Duh, love of language.
Duh, whatever pops into my brain and out through the keyboard and publishes itself? No no no...